
Will ship ropes hurt people

Reason for injury


During the use of cables, friction with cable piles is inevitable, and over time, there will be wear, aging, and a decrease in strength. Unable to detect potential hazards in a timely manner, resulting in sudden cable breakage.

During the use of cables, friction with cable piles is inevitable, and over time, there will be wear, aging, and a decrease in strength. Unable to detect potential hazards in a timely manner, resulting in sudden cable breakage.

When the tide rises and falls, the cable will experience uneven force and may also cause sudden breakage.
In ship cable operations, improper use of ropes by crew members and standing in dangerous areas can cause great harm to crew members.
How to avoid cable injuries

 Regularly check the wear of the cable.
Be aware of weather changes in advance and take appropriate measures.
Intensify the promotion of safety, correct operation, and cautious use among the captain and crew.
Crew members need to take protective measures, wear safety helmets, safety gloves, work clothes, etc. Always pay attention to your position and avoid entering the rebound zone and the circle of death.

Post time: Aug-08-2024